Topaasia Pro – Strategy Communications and implementation2022-08-15T11:29:56+00:00

Strategic Communications. Gamified.
Implement strategy easily through gamified & inspiring dialogue

Gamified facilitation platform for effective conversations about strategically important topics

Over 200 companies trust Topaasia

Implementing strategic communications is about a light, effective and fun way to scale dialogue throughout the organization.
Not about consultant slides, facilitation certificates, or heavy software implementations

Topaasia is an easy way to generate and scale great dialogue about the most important strategic topics.
All in-house.

Topaasia is about people and their dialogue, but also about effectiveness and easy scalability.
Without dialogue the strategic change doesn’t happen and without scalability it’s slow, ineffective and expensive.

Finally, easy and self-serve method to make strategy implementation inspiring by gamified dialogues

  • An inclusive way to discuss where everyone is seen and heard

  • The end result of session is a concrete action plan and a shared understanding.

  • Easy to facilitate and implement for game leaders

Make your own games about topics of strategic importance or use ready made Topaasia decks

  • Topaasia Deck editor let’s you to transform your strategy into playable Topaasia game deck

  • You can share and scale your own games to Game Leaders upon different needs: etc. Strategy game 1, Strategy game 2, Value game 1

Topaasia PRO: Scale Topaasia sessions through organization and implement strategy and other big change iniatives

Gamified facilitation platform for effective dialogues about strategically important topics, but how?

1. Make your own game and facilitation template and share them to your game leaders.

2. Game leaders play with their teams. They can play for example once or once per quarter upon different strategic theme of your choosing.

3. Get qualitative insights what teams deem important and what kind of things they think are important concerning strategy

Benefits of Topaasia PRO

For teams

  • Get to the heart of the matters efficiently and foster dialogue with game structure and cards.

  • A participatory way to discuss where everyone is seen and heard.

  • Improves shared understanding, decision-making & community-feeling

  • The session results in a concrete action plan.

For game leaders

  • An easy way to facilitate an inspiring and effective dialogue-session. The game leader can be a leader, facilitator, team lead, coach or anyone willing.

  • Sessions are documented on the dashboard and participants receive a report automatically via email.

  • Get strategy implementation session facilitated remotely, hybrid or on-site.

For organization

  • Implement strategy communications in scale throughout the organization more easy, participatory and effective way than ever before

  • Align & nudge your people to talk about important things with your own game decks

  • Insights and data of all games are stored in the organization’s dashboard. Get qualitative insights as never seen before


Make your own game deck(s) 

You can create unlimited amount of your own games to your specific needs. let’s you to transform your strategy into playable Topaasia game decks.

Or utilize +35 ready-made game decks made with trailblazers

Topaasia is a masterclass of business and team development discussions that allows you to use and develop any topic with your teams. Ready made Topaasia decks are divided in four categories: Team & work community, leadership & change, projects & product development, sales & marketing. Whatever your need, games help your teams to think, discuss and make sense and better decisions.

Each Topaasia deck has been made in collaboration with a top professionals and trailblazers of their field. This will allow you to put the experience and insights of the professionals into practice and experimentation by discussing and playing games made with them.

Or utilize +35 ready-made game decks made with trailblazers

Topaasia is a masterclass of business and team development discussions that allows you to use and develop any topic with your teams. Ready made Topaasia decks are divided in four categories: Team & work community, leadership & change, projects & product development, sales & marketing. Whatever your need, games help your teams to think, discuss and make sense and better decisions.

Each Topaasia deck has been made in collaboration with a top professionals and trailblazers of their field. This will allow you to put the experience and insights of the professionals into practice and experimentation by discussing and playing games made with them.

Scale and Share your game templates to game leaders

Your admins can make everything ready for scaling of your Topaasia dialogues.

Game leaders just need to choose ready made game template and game is ready to begin.

Game template includes the topic of the game, game deck and perspectives.

Scale and Share your game templates to game leaders

Your admins can make everything ready for scaling of your Topaasia dialogues.

Game leaders just need to choose ready made game template and game is ready to begin.

Game template includes the topic of the game, game deck and perspectives.

Dashboard: Get insights as never seen before

Dashboard let’s individual game leaders to view the games they have facilitated. If made public, they can also study other game leader’s games.

Decision-makers get organization wide summary of organizations games:
How the games are divided upon the game deck themes, what are most picked Topaasia cards, what actions teams decide to take?

Dashboard: Get insights as never seen before

Dashboard let’s individual game leaders to view the games they have facilitated. If made public, they can also study other game leader’s games.

Decision-makers get organization wide summary of organizations games:
How the games are divided upon the game deck themes, what are most picked Topaasia cards, what actions teams decide to take?

Topaasia session basics

  • Amount of participants: 3-10

  • Duration: 30-60-90min, duration can be changed depending on the need and available time by amount of POV-rounds

  • Topaasia is a Software as Service, you don’t need any installations.

  • In Topaasia-session one facilitates as a game leader with a computer and players join the session via internet browser with their phone, tablet or computer.

Topaasia session basics

  • Amount of participants: 3-10

  • Duration: 30-60-90min, duration can be changed depending on the need and available time by amount of POV-rounds

  • Topaasia is a Software as Service, you don’t need any installations.

  • In Topaasia-session one facilitates as a game leader with a computer and players join the session via internet browser with their phone, tablet or computer.

Topaasia Pro subscription content

  • Topaasia Deckbuilder: Make and share your own game decks across organization

  • Game Type – builder: Make and share your own ready made facilitation templates across organization

  • Topaasia Dashboard: Insights from your Organizations sessions

  • Play and facilitate unlimited amount with unlimited teams

  • For scalable implementation of strategy or other important organization wide themes, like values, employee experience, work well-being, vision or organizational change.

  • Subsciptions from one to unlimited amount of game leaders.

  • One 2h deployment session for Game Leaders (Optional: Expanded deployment)

  • Support: Contact person to help you get the most out of Topaasia® and game sessions.


  • Contact sales! or book a demo below

Deployment & Support

  • Topaasia PRO includes a personal contact person to help you get the most out of Topaasia® and game sessions.

  • Topaasia is a web-based service. The service is secure in terms of data protection and we can tell you more about the security of the service against a request.

  • One 2h deployment session for Game Leaders

  • Comprehensive support material package: Guides, quick guides and tutorial-videos

Expanded deployment (optional)

  • -Introduction and practice of playing a game for multiple game leaders with a representative of Topaasia. Duration 2h

  • Amount of deployment sessions agreed upon game leader amount and needs

  • Expanded deployment starting from 2000€

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